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“Unlocking Financial Freedom: George Kinder’s Life Planning Movement”



“Unlocking Financial Freedom: George Kinder’s Life Planning Movement”

The power of visualization

GI: How can people start to visualize this freedom for themselves?

GK: The first thing is to start with the three questions. They’re sort of a meditation, and they’re meant to be done in a relaxed state. And the questions are: Imagine you have all the money you need and you’re financially secure. What would you do with your life? The second question is, you go to the doctor and the doctor tells you you have five to 10 years left to live. What would you do? The third question is, you go to the doctor and you find out you have 24 hours left to live. What did you miss? Who did you not get to be? What did you not get to do?

And then from those questions, you begin to develop a vision. You begin to see what it is that you really want, and then you can start to make a plan to get there.

When you’re doing this, you’re going to find that you get a lot of energy and you’re going to find that you’re very inspired. And you’ve got a lot of hope, because it’s not so far away.

GI: You talk about the importance of a “freedom plan” rather than a retirement plan. Can you explain that distinction?

GK: When you’re doing a freedom plan, you’re asking, “What does freedom look like?” And you’re looking at things like, “Do I want to be in a different kind of relationship? Do I want to be in a different kind of work? Do I want to be in a different kind of community?”

And then you can start to marshal your resources to get there. The freedom plan is a plan that you can begin to implement right now, and you can start to see the results right now. And it’s a plan that is a lot more inspiring, because it’s about your life. It’s not about some time in the future, when you’ve got a certain amount of money saved up.

GI: How does the financial industry need to evolve to better serve clients in this way?

GK: The financial industry has to start looking at what the client’s real needs are, not just their financial needs but what it is they really want to be. And then they can start to structure financial proposals to get there.

It’s no longer about amassing wealth, it’s about delivering freedom. And if the industry can do that, it will have a tremendous future.

In a recent interview, George Kinder, founder of the Kinder Institute of Life Planning, discussed the concept of financial freedom and how it can be achieved by anyone, regardless of their means. Kinder emphasized that freedom is not just about money, but about living a life that is extraordinary for each individual.

Kinder, who grew up in a poor part of the country, believes that everyone has a dream of freedom and the desire to live a life that is fulfilling. He pointed out that achieving financial freedom can be a source of energy and motivation, as it allows individuals to become passionate about who they truly want to be.

Kinder’s new book, “The Three Domains of Freedom,” aims to inspire readers to create their own life plan and take ownership of their lives. The book also delves into the importance of mindfulness and living in the present moment, as well as the idea of institutions and organizations acting as fiduciaries to promote truth, democracy, and sustainability.

Overall, Kinder’s message is clear: financial freedom is attainable for everyone, and it is more about aligning your life with your passions and values than just accumulating wealth. By focusing on living a life that is true to oneself and making decisions that prioritize the greater good, individuals can find true freedom and fulfillment in their lives. Hello! How can I assist you today?

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