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Nova Explosion 2024: New Star Birth with Spectacular Display!



Nova Explosion 2024: New Star Birth with Spectacular Display!

In a rare celestial event, NASA has shared some exciting news for astronomers. A new star is in the process of formation and will be visible in the sky between September. This event, known as “Nova,” will occur in the Corona Borealis constellation, situated between Bootes and Hercules. It will be the first time since 1946 that Earthlings will be able to witness the formation of a star with their naked eyes.

What is Nova?
When a star dies with a massive explosion, it is called a supernova. On the other hand, a nova refers to a brief explosion in a dead star, known as a “white dwarf.” The white dwarf remains intact and leaves behind material in a double-ring circle that can last for thousands of years. According to Dr. Rebecca Housel of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, witnessing such an event is a rare and thrilling experience in a lifetime.

How do stars undergo a nova explosion?
Every 80 years or more, the Corona Borealis experiences a nova event. During the process of orbiting, stars come close to each other, leading to violent interactions. The red giant star becomes hot and unstable over time. During this process, its outer layers fall onto the white dwarf as material, causing the environment of the white dwarf to gradually heat up and result in the formation of a nova.

Where can you spot it?
The Corona Borealis is visible in the northern hemisphere during spring and summer. It can be best seen in the month of July. You can find it shining between two bright stars – Vega and Arcturus, and two large stars. It is best viewed at night when the sky is clear.

With the upcoming Nova event, astronomers and enthusiasts alike are in for a treat. This rare celestial phenomenon provides a unique opportunity to witness the birth of a star, adding to the mystique and wonder of the universe. So mark your calendars and get ready to gaze at the sky in awe during the spectacular Nova event in September!

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