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“China’s Real Estate Slump Sends Shockwaves Through Local Government Finances”



“China’s Real Estate Slump Sends Shockwaves Through Local Government Finances”

“This is something that is not very well-known, but it’s very important because if you look at the balance sheets of banks, you see a lot of exposure to these local government financing vehicles,” she said.

She added that the sector is “very opaque” and raising concerns about potential hidden risks in the financial system.

China’s central bank has said it will take steps to prevent systemic risks from local government financing vehicles, but it’s unclear how exactly the government will address the issue.

Meanwhile, the central bank has injected liquidity into the financial system to support economic growth, and interest rates have been cut multiple times this year.

Uncertainty in China’s economic outlook

Analysts have mixed views on the outlook for China’s economy.

“In our view, the authorities are making the right choices in terms of a gradual slowdown in growth, but the risk is that the economy could slow down more than they would like,” Morgan Stanley economists said in their September report.

They added that if policy support is not provided in a timely manner, the risk of a hard landing for the economy increases.

Other analysts are more optimistic, pointing to China’s strong fundamentals and potential for growth in the long term.

“China is still in a very good position in terms of its macroeconomic stability and its ability to grow,” Huang said.

She noted that China’s economy has been resilient in the face of external challenges, such as the trade war with the United States and the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, she warned that the country still faces challenges, including high debt levels and a slowing property market.

Chinese banks are facing a looming threat that could shake the stability of the financial system. A recent study by Natixis revealed that these banks are heavily exposed to loans from local government financial vehicles (LGFVs), more so than loans from real estate developers and mortgages. This revelation has raised concerns among experts about the potential risks that these LGFV loans pose.

S&P’s Li expressed uncertainty about the effectiveness of a quick solution to the LGFV problem. The complexity of the issue is evident, as there is no clear remedy in sight. The government is attempting to navigate through this financial challenge by buying time to address immediate liquidity issues. However, the resources available to both central and local governments may not be sufficient to resolve the problem in its entirety.

The metaphor of a “grey rhino” comes to mind when considering these high-likelihood and high-impact risks that are being overlooked. Just like a grey rhino, the LGFV problem is a looming threat that cannot be ignored. The Chinese banking sector must find a way to address this issue before it escalates into a full-blown crisis.

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of the LGFV problem, questions arise about the potential consequences for Chinese banks and the broader financial system. How will the government tackle this issue without destabilizing the economy? What measures can banks take to mitigate their exposure to LGFV loans? These questions underscore the urgency of finding a solution to this pressing issue.

In conclusion, the Chinese banking sector is at a crossroads, facing a significant challenge in the form of LGFV loans. The road ahead is uncertain, and the stakes are high. It remains to be seen how banks and the government will navigate through this crisis and safeguard the stability of the financial system.

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